Green Voice - An audio-architectural installation by Bernhard Gal & Yumi Kori   (Photo: Yumi Kori)







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Green Voice

Intermedia installation, in collaboration with Yumi Kori, Tokyo 2002

Part of the Musashino Public Art Project "Green Library",
Musashino Chuo Library, Tokyo, November 2002

Green Voice

Green Voice is based on the recorded voices of 28 people from Musashino and was presented in the framework of the public art project “Green Library” in the old public library of Musashino City, Tokyo. Through a light and sound installation, Bernhard Gal and Yumi Kori connect the personal statements of the participants with the library as a site of collecting and spreading knowledge. Sixteen loudspeakers project the voices into the library’s four-storey archive area; one hears young and old, male and female Japanese voices, from above and below, from close up and further away. The speech recordings consist of answers to certain questions (“What is your name?”, “How old are you?”, “Describe your favorite green!”, “What is your favorite book?”); the voices also hum a melody. Yumi Kori installs green light boxes as an abstracted memory of the books formerly stored here. The visitors carefully explore the dark space, a labyrinth of bookshelves, which is now acoustically filled with the stories of the recorded people.



Green Voice (2002)

Acrylic boxes, LED lights, CD players, speakers



Green Voice has been published as part of Bernhard Gal's Book & audio CD 'Installations', Kehrer Verlag Germany, 2005.

Green Voice - mp3 excerpt 1 ....Green Voice - mp3 excerpt 2 ....Green Voice - mp3 excerpt 3

See other work by Gal and Kori
Book & CD ' Installations'
Order Book / CD
