Bernhard GalgalBernhard Galcalendar


Bernhard Gal - Book & DVD 'Zwischenbrücken', 2015...Bernhard Gal - CD 'same difference', 2010.. Gal - CD 'relive', 2008 - illustration by Nalan Yirtmac.. DVD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2007.. CD 'Installations' , Gromoga, Austria 2005.. Kai Fagaschinski and Bernhard Gál - 'going roaund in serpentines', Charhizma, Austria 2005.. Book & Audio CD 'Installations'  (Kehrer / Gromoga, 2005).. CD 'Hinaus:: In den, Wald.'  (Klanggalerie, 2004).. CD 'relisten'  (Intransitive Recordings, 2001).. CD 'Defragmentation/blue' (Plate Lunch, 2000).. CD 'bestimmung new york' (Durian, 1999)





2025... 2024... 2023... 2022. ..2021... 2020

1998-2019 (archived calendar)











































































Calendar 2020-25

Upcoming and past concerts, exhibitions, installations, radio features, interviews, lectures, talks, publications, audio releases etc.

Audio Ghosts

International symposium featuring the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, November 2025. ​

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
shut up and listen! 2025

20th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. October 2025, details tba soon.


Premiere of a site-specific sound installation, in conjunction with blurred edges - Festival für aktuelle Musik Hamburg. June 2025.

blurred edges - Festival für aktuelle Musik, Hamburg
Audio Ghosts

Presentation of the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. Tag Gegen Lärm, Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, April 30, 2025. ​

Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Audio Ghosts

Workshop | Presentation of the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. LCC, University of the Arts London, April 16, 2025.

​LCC, University of the Arts London
Audio Ghosts
AUDIO GHOSTS - Guest Artist 1

Premiere of a sound installation by guest artist Christine Schörkhuber, in conjunction with the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. Presentation @ SP·CE, Vienna, October 14-20, 2024.

SP·CE, Vienna
10 shut up and listen! 2024
shut up and listen! 2024

19th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. Artistic direction: Bernhard Gál. October 10-14, 2024, echoraum, Vienna | SP·CE, Vienna.

echoraum, Vienna | SP·CE, Vienna
Audio Ghosts

Workshop, concerts and presentations of the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS (FWF-PEEK AR 774-G). In conjunction with AiR Zvjezdane Staze, Mijakovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2024.

AiR Zvjezdane Staze, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Premiere of a site-specific multi-channel sound architecture / electroacoustic composition. In conjunction with the Festival SLOVO GORČINA. Radimlja Necropolis, Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 26, 2024.

Festival SLOVO GORČINA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Audio Ghosts

Inaugural presentation @ SP·CE. Artistic research project AUDIO GHOSTS (FWF-PEEK AR 774-G) @ SP·CE, Vienna. June 25, 2024, 6 pm.

SP·CE, Vienna
Over the Fields and Far Away
Over the Fields and Far Away

Premiere of an intermedia composition for flute, french horn and multi-channel sound and light environment. In conjunction with the festival MUSIC AFTER NATURE, curated by Pia Palme. Featuring Doris Nicoletti (flute), Christoph Walder (french horn), Bernhard Gál (electroacoustics) et al. SOHO STUDIOS Ottakring, Vienna, June 6, 2024, 8 pm.

Soho Studios, Vienna
Audio Ghosts

Sneak preview presentation of the artistic research FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. Presentation in conjunction with the artistic doctorate program of the mdw, Vienna. Klangtheater (Sound Theatre), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, November 17, 2023, 9:00-12:00.

Klangtheater, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Curating Sound (panel)

Participation in the panel discussion Curating Sound, in conjunction with the kick-off event for the research and infrastructure project ÆSR Lab - Applied/Experimental Sound Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Center Research Focus). Ehemalige Kassenhalle der Otto-Wagner Postsparkasse, 1010 Wien, November 14, 2023.

University of Applied Arts Vienna (Center Research Focus), Vienna
relisten revisited

Ultra-rare solo performance, revisiting the sonic ideas of relisten, his third solo CD released in 2001. In conjunction with the Festival re_composed. Live @ echoraum, Vienna, October 27, 2023, 7 pm.

echoraum, Vienna
B^B, installation by Yumi Kori, sound by Gal, 2005
bee bee

Sound installation based on Gal's composition bee bee, originally published on the CD relisten in 2001. In conjunction with shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. October 12-14, 2023.

echoraum, Vienna
sual! 2022
shut up and listen! 2023

18th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. Artistic directtion: Bernhard Gál. October 12-14, 2023. Hybrid-Festival: Live @ echoraum (1150 Vienna), Online Streaming starting 8 pm CET.

echoraum, Vienna
flut, for bass flute and quadrophonic sound projection, 2011

Performance of flut, for bass flute and sound projection, by Belma Beslic-Gal and Bernhard Gál. Presentation in conjunction with the Austrian Composers Week 2023. Featuring Doris Nicoletti, bass flute. Curated by Andreas Weixler. CMS – Computer Music Studio, Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz, June 19, 2023.

CMS – Computer Music Studio, Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Lecture about Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) at the music theory doctoral programme, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, April 28, 2023, 19:30-21:00.

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
04 ON AIR Radio Portrait @ ORF Zeit-Ton

Radio Portrait #8 on Austrian National Radio (Ö1), featuring an overview of compositions, sound art projects and researcrh activities from the last decade, as well as a preview of things to come. Host: Marie-Therese Rudolph. April 7th, 2023, 23:03-24:00.

Austrian National Radio (Ö1), Austria
03 Vierband (2023) Vierband

Presentation of a new electroacoustic multi-channel composition, in conjunction with the Festival Acousmonium 2023 @ echoraum, Vienna. March 9, 2023, 7 pm.

echoraum, Vienna
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany

In conversation with Marie-Therese Rudolph, Gál's talks about his recent book publication Klangräume | Hörorte (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) as well as general aspects of installative sound art. Read online here (German only). mica - music austria, February 16, 2023.

mica - music austria
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Book presentation, featuring Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) by Bernhard Gál, and Exhibiting SoundArt, ed. by Peter Kiefer & Michael Zwenzner. Both books published by wolke in 2022. Including public talks by B. Gál and P. Kiefer @ Barocke Suite C - MQ Direktion. Buchhandlung Walther König, MQ Wien / tonspur, Vienna, February 15, 2023. Moderation: Barbara Barthelmes.

tonspur, Vienna
Sonic Ghosts
Sonic Ghosts

Presentation of the artistic research pilot project Sonic Ghosts, partly in preparation for the FWF-PEEK project AUDIO GHOSTS. Project presentation and listening room in cooperation with Veronika Mayer @ Klangtheater of the Future Art Lab, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, January 21, 2023.

Klangtheater, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Gál's monograph Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) is available as an open access publication since January 16, 2023. Download for free here. Published by wolke, Germany.

wolke, Germany
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Book presentation of Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces), four evenings with alternating guests (Stefan Fricke Nov. 22, Georg Weckwerth Nov. 24, Marie-Therese Rudolph Nov. 25, and Barbara Barthelmes Nov. 27. Presented by sirene Operntheater, in conjunction with Wien Modern 2022Jugendstiltheater Wien, November 22 / 24 / 25 / 27, 2022, ca. 22:00.

Jugendstiltheater am Steinhof, Vienna
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Gál's book Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) will be presented by wolke, alongside other new publications at the festival Donaueschinger Musiktage 2022, October 13-16, 2022.

wolke @ Donaueschinger Musiktage, Germany
Klangräume | Hörorte, wolke (sd03), Germany
Hörorte | Klangräume

Bernhard Gál's PhD dissertation Hörorte | Klangräume (Listening Places | Sound Spaces) is now available in printed form (and the open access publication coming in early 2023!) .
Klangräume | Hörorte
, Published by wolke, Germany (sinefonia DIGITAL #3), October 12, 2022.

wolke, Germany
Favourite Audio Seconds

Presentation of selected music chosen by Gal. Listening room @ shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. echoraum, Vienna, September 24, 2022, 15:00.

echoraum, Vienna
sual! 2022
shut up and listen! 2022 - Among Others

17th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. Artistic directtion: Bernhard Gal. echoraum, Vienna, September 22-24, 2022. Hybrid-Festival: Live @ echoraum (1150 Vienna) plus Online Streaming (starting 7 pm CET, respectively)

echoraum, Vienna
Tsumugu, 2021 (photo: Shuhei-Yoshida)

Audioarchitectural installation by Yumi Kori and Bernhard Gal.
Fuji Textile Week, Fujiyoshida, Japan, December 10, 2021 - January 9, 2022.

Fuji Textile Week, Japan
shut up and listen! 2021
shut up and listen! 2021 - Best Agers

16th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. Artistic directtion: Bernhard Gal. echoraum, Vienna, December 8-12, 2021.

echoraum, Vienna
Nothing is real?

Lecture by Bernhard Gál @ shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. echoraum, Vienna, June 5, 2021.

echoraum, Vienna
Phonautography 1853-1860
Phonautography 1853-1860

Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville: Phonautography 1853-1860. Lecture by Bernhard Gál @ shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art. echoraum, Vienna, June 4, 2021.

echoraum, Vienna
sual! 2020*
shut up and listen! 2020*

15th edition of shut up and listen!, Transdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art (postponed to June 2021 due to C-19 Pandemic). Artistic directtion: Bernhard Gal. echoraum, Vienna, June 2-6, 2021.

echoraum, Vienna
rittlings (à cheval)

Sound intervention in conjunction with the project Kaffeenistik, curated by the institute for transacoustic research (iftaf). Cafe Ritter, 1160 Vienna, November 5, 2020.

Café Ritter, Vienna
Die Gruene Hoelle, Intermedia Installation by Bernhard Gal, 2006
Die Grüne Hölle

Contribution to the group exhibition AUDIOSPHERE: Sound Experimentation 1980-2020, curated by Francisco Lopez. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, October 14, 2020 - January 11, 2021.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid



archived calendar



