Since 2007, Bernhard Gal's intermedia installation has been presented in site-specific adaptations
in Austria,
Germany, and Slovakia.
Old phone booths are transformed into sound and light experience stations, offering an intersensorial experience within public space. All windows are covered with colour and transparency films, resulting in changing light, translucency and mirror constellations, depending on the time of the day. The title solo refers to the intimacy of this situation – being inside a phone booth, the visitors get confronted with their own perception and state of awareness. Each phone booth shows a designated colour, accompanied with corresponding sound works by Bernhard Gál, often relating to architectural, historical and socio-cultural characteristics of the respective site. solo Transformed phone booths, colour and transparency films, light sources, motion sensors, timers, audio system, loudspeakers Previous presentations Festival Sound City Days | Košice 2013 - European Capital of Culture, Kosice, September 2012 Sound Art Exhibition 'stadtklaenge | klangstaetten', Braunschweig, Germany; May - June 2009 Lakeside Science & Technology Park, Klagenfurt, Austria, November 2008 - February 2009 Gutenbrunn, Austria (light installation), November 2007 - September 2008 Musik aktuell 2007, Gutenbrunn, Austria, June - September 2007 Musik aktuell 2007, Tulln, Austria, June 2007 For further information about the site-specific installation solo (Kosice) see here. solo is featured in Gal's Book & DVD video Zwischenbrücken, edition spce | Gromoga, Austria 2015. |
solo - Conceptual Details Each phone booth displays
a designated colour, for these four light spaces in red, green, blue,
and violet Bernhard Gal The installation was
realized with used phone booths kindly being provided by the Austrian
phone company Telekom Austria. Klagenfurt - Lakeside Science & Technology Park, Austria; Nov. 7th, 2008 – Feb. 2nd, 2009 Braunschweig – Part of the project 'stadtklaenge | klangstaetten', Lessingplatz; May 5th – June 28th, 2009 |
[ solo (light installation), Gutenbrunn, Austria, October 2007 - October 2008, photo: D. Juster ]