vuer fier
For Quartertone Trumpet, Guitar, Guzheng and Sheng / Xun, 2003
The composition vür fier was created as
part of the intercultural project 'Crossroads', a call for short compositions
for a hybrid ensemble consisting of two western instruments (guitar, trumpet)
and two Chinese instruments (gu-zheng, sheng). This combination shows both
one Chinese and one Western wind and string instrument. All participating
musicians of the premiere performance were highly skilled virtuosos who
developped their individual sound language on their respective instrument
and were used to working in all kinds of musical contexts.
The score of vür
fier is notated traditionally, however, during the first part, all instruments
are free to choose their own time, and to repeat their parts until a specific
acoustic signal makes them stop. Thus, a number of unforeseeable combinations
of the same sound materials occur. After a short solo interlude presented
on the xun (Chinese ocarina), the second part shows a synchronized, composed
interpretation of the original sound materials. The quasi-German title vür fier can be understood as an ironic comment on the inherent
difficulties of any intercultural endeavors. |
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Published as part of the CD same difference, Gromoga Records, 2010. | |
sound excerpt (1.55) |
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