becuadro at MAK NITE, Vienna, 2008 - photo: P. Feuersaenger





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Composition for brass quartet and light projection, 2008

Four musicans made audible and visible as shadows within a site-specific sound and light choreography.

With becuadro, Bernhard Gal continues his exploration of the interactions of sound and light,
as begun in other instrumental compositions like belit, beshadowed, Klangschatten and several sound installations.


Premiere: MAK NITE, Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, March 25th, 2008

Christoph Walder: french horn | Anders Nyqvist, trumpet
Andreas Eberle: trombone | Anton Wagnes: tuba
Bernhard Gál: concept, composition, sound and light direction

Supported by the Culltural Department of the City of Vienna.

becuadro is featured in Gal's Book & DVD
Zwischenbrücken, edition sp ce | Gromoga, Austria 2015
More excerpt (8.42)

Other instrumental compositions









































becuadro at MAK NITE, Vienna, 2008 - photo: P. Feuersaenger


